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June Dairy Month Celbrations in Nakaseke District

June Dairy Month Celbrations in Nakaseke District

This month Uganda joins the rest of the world to celebrate the dairy industry and its contribution to the world. ‘June Dairy Month’ is now a tradition all over the world and its purpose is to stimulate demand and stabilize prices of dairy products during periods of peak production. In Uganda, Dairy Development Authority (DDA) is mandated to regulate the dairy sector and coordinate with stakeholders to promote dairy products.  This year’s June Dairy month was  celebrated under the theme ‘Dairy for improved household income’ in Nakaseke District

Akankiza Samson Mpiira, the Executive Director of DDA notes that the dairy value chain is one of the most dynamic sectors in Uganda, critical to the development of the rural economy and household transformation. “This is due to its role in nutrition, income and employment security of persons. It is a priority sector in the Agro-industrialization and “real economy” agenda, the Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan (NDP III),” said Akankiza.


Hon Bright Rwamirama, the state minister for Animal Industry from the minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) has asked Ugandans to increase their milk intake. With over 2.4million children with stunted growth, It has been recorded that people who take milk get the wholesome. Hon Rwamirama however noted that Ugandans take 64 liters of milk which is below the required amount of milk adding that a person who takes milk regularly will have a stronger tooth, a stronger body, and never be malnourished.

He also urged people below five years to drink plenty of milk adding that with too much intake, a child will never be malnourished and will have a higher IQ compared to his fellow counterparts that did not take plenty of the milk.

The celebrations were graced with Area MP, Hon. Enock Nyongore, with all the District leadership. To mark this year’s June Dairy Month activities, DDA did various Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities that included distribution of milk and milk products to various schools and hospitals in Nakaseke District 


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