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DDA ED Mr Akankiza Samson Mpiira presents on the Dairy Sector Investment Opportu...

DDA ED Mr Akankiza Samson Mpiira presents on the Dairy Sector Investment Opportunities to prospective Investors at FAO Headquarters in Rome

ED DDA Mr Akankiza Samson Mpiira accomapanied Hon Lt Col(Rtd) Dr Rwamirama Bright Kanyontore to the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy to participate in the Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum and World Food Forum 2024. Uganda presented the four priority Investment opportunities (Dairy/Milk processing, Animal Feeds Manufacturing, Food and Mouth Disease vaccine production and Maize processing). Our ED highlighted the Dairy sector investment opportunities to the prospective investors, The Hand-in-Hand initiative will help attract over US Dollars 506.6million to the sector.


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